Holistic Health Practices: How To Build Up Your Body, Mind, and Spirit

Do you want to improve your holistic health practices but are unsure of where to start? Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered. Here at Cosmos Vita, we wholeheartedly believe that your holistic health is important. In fact, caring for your entire self is the key to unlocking your next level of wellbeing.

That’s just one of the many reasons why we’re passionate about supporting you on your individual journey towards wellness. There are a wide variety of ways that you can build up your mind, body, and spirit. It’s crucial that you take a multifaceted approach to ensure that you’re enriching your entire state of being—not simply picking and choosing.

Today, we’re going to discuss some holistic health practices that you can incorporate into your life. If you choose to do these, you will be working to effectively build up your spirit, body, and mind, too. 

We will begin by sharing a definition for holistic health (trust us, we understand if you’re a little confused on the concept!). After that, we’ll share the five facets of holistic health. 

This will help you get a feel for what you can do to build up your body, mind, and spirit. Throughout this article, you’ll find suggestions with actionable steps you can take to make a positive impact on your holistic health. 

Before we get started, there is one thing that we want to note. You should be proud of yourself for taking steps towards enhancing your holistic health, and you should also be aware that these won’t take a day. There’s no magical fix, rather tiny, tangible steps that you can take and commit to nourishing yourself. With that being said, let’s begin. 

What Is Holistic Health?

First, let’s work out a definition for holistic health. This term might sound complicated, but it actually describes a rather simple concept. When we talk about holistic health, we’re talking about a highly comprehensive and personalized way to think about wellbeing. 

Holistic health refers to the experience of caring about the entire person. You nourish your physical, spiritual, and mental needs, too. Health care that falls into this category, for example, typically values prevention more than it does cure. 

One of the most important things to know about holistic health is that it is rooted in the belief that all of the aforementioned aspects can make a tremendous impact on your overall health. 

It also means that if you’re unwell in one of these categories, that can trickle down and impact you in the others, too. That’s why holistic health is about nourishing the entirety of your being, not just some of it. 

What Are the Five Facets of Holistic Health?

As we mentioned, your holistic health refers to more than the state of your physical body. It also takes the well-being of your spirit and mind into consideration. Why? Because your physical health can be hugely impacted by your mind and spirit, that’s why! These impact each other, and that’s why taking a well-rounded approach to your wellness is crucial. 

We believe that your most fulfilling, wonderful life becomes possible when you take care of your whole self—from your brain all the way down to your feet. That means nourishing your brain, seeking help if necessary (not just for physical ailments but mental ones, too), and paying attention to the entirety of your being. It also means that if one of these subcategories becomes compromised, this will almost certainly impact the others, too. 

Now, let’s share five of the facets of holistic health. After we establish these, we’ll discuss some tips and tricks you can use to build up your body, mind, and spirit, too.


#1: Physical

When you think of health, physical health likely pops into your mind. That’s largely because of the fact that the body itself often reveals signs and symptoms that you’re well or unwell. Nevertheless, physical health is only one category that you need to take into consideration. 

Physical symptoms are easier to measure and therefore, easier to track. Non-physical symptoms such as those relating to mental illness can sometimes feel more abstract, but they’re just as valid.

There are several ways that you can get into the habit of supporting your physical health. These include: 

  • Getting the correct amount of sleep. The human body requires about eight hours every night. This allows the body to have time to rest and repair itself. 

  • Eating a diet that provides you with essential vitamins and nutrients. Or, if you’re not getting these from your diet, you can take supplements. 

  • Working to maintain a balanced blood sugar level.

  • Getting some exercise in. Try to move your body for at least 30 minutes every day. 

  • Limit the number of processed foods that you eat. 

  • Avoid excessive alcohol consumption and smoking. These could have negative consequences on your health. 

#2: Social

Human beings are social creatures, which means that spending some time with your network of family, friends, and loved ones is a great way to put a smile on your face. Spending time in your community can also have a similar effect. 

There are several ways that you can tackle supporting your social health. Some of these include:

  • Spending time with loved ones in person. Of course, connecting over the phone or via video call is great, but if you can get real, face-to-face interaction, there’s nothing like it.

  • Getting involved in the community. Whether this is through a community garden, volunteer organizations, programs, clubs, or your religious group, you can potentially boost your happiness by being part of something larger than yourself. 

  • Have the courage to walk away from situations, people, and relationships that don’t make you happy. Sometimes, people in your life might be responsible for increasing your stress levels or bringing about toxic energy. If you find that you have one of those individuals in your life, set boundaries—it’s okay if you need to walk away to support your wellbeing! 

#3: Emotional

The importance of taking care of your emotional health, unfortunately, is often overlooked. Nevertheless, it’s just as crucial to nourish this part of your well-being as it is your physical body. There is a myriad of ways that you can commit to taking care of your emotional health. Some of these include: 

  • Going to therapy when you need to. If therapy is available to you, it’s an excellent resource. It can help you process life events, grapple with situations, cope, grieve, or simply vent. 
  • Keeping a journal to jot down your thoughts and feelings. This journal could serve as a record for the people, things, and experiences that you are grateful for. You can reflect on it in times of difficulty. 
  • Practice mindfulness or yoga. Not only do these practices help you stay in the moment, they can also provide you with valuable tools that will help you deal with stressors that can pop up. 

#4: Mental

There’s a tremendous amount of overlap between mental health and several other categories, especially emotional health. Let’s make an important distinction between mental and physical health. 

When we talk about emotional health, we’re usually referring to the daily emotions and moods that we experience. In contrast, mental health refers to the cognitive abilities that we have. These can—and do—impact the very way that our brain functions. 

Here are some ways that you can support your mental health: 

  • Keeping your mind active. This includes looking for new opportunities to learn and solve problems. These will challenge your brain and keep it active.

  • Nourishing your brain with nutrient-dense foods. Look for those that are high in both omega-3 and antioxidants; these support cognitive function. 

  • Avoid drinking in excess, smoking, or using recreational drugs. These can all have an impact on your cognitive abilities.

#5: Spiritual

The final facet of holistic health is spiritual. While some people choose to nurture their spiritual well being through religion, this is by no means a requirement. While they do have some overlapping principals, we support you exploring what spirituality means to you. 

For some people, this will be closely connected to religion. For others, it will have no connection, and for others, it will be somewhere in between. Wherever you are on this spectrum, that’s okay! There’s no right or wrong answer. Spirituality is a highly individual concept, so find what it means to you. 

We will say this: spirituality does refer to how you connect with your soul within and the world around you. Some ways to nourish your spiritual health include: 

  • Spending some time meditating. Taking a pause to be in the present will make you more aware and in the moment. 

  • Spending time outside in nature. Consider taking a brief nature stroll to connect yourself with the world outside of your home. 

  • Pondering the meaning of life or your connection to other people and the world around you. We get it—this can seem intimidating! Give it a try and see if it’s for you. If not, no worries; there are other ways you can support your spiritual health.


There you have it: a myriad of tangible steps that you can take to build up your body, mind, and spirit. If you attempt at least some of these, you could begin to notice that your holistic health improves—and that really is something to be excited about!



The 5 Aspects Of Holistic Health And Why They Are So Important | Oralux Dental 

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