Emotional Wellness Tips for Overall Health

Emotional wellness is a big phrase for a (relatively) simple concept. Nevertheless, it can be confusing to consider how you can take tangible steps to improve your emotional wellbeing. That’s why we’re here to help. 

The reality is that your overall health is closely connected to your emotional wellness. That’s why it’s essential that you nourish both your physical health and your emotional health, too. If you carefully take care of one and not the other, there’s a high likelihood you still won’t feel “well.” 

Here at Cosmos Vita, we’re passionate about helping you live the life that you deserve--a life full of vibrant, wonderful moments. Of course, we completely understand that sometimes, people get stuck in a wellness rut--and that they can require a bit of help to get out. That’s where we step in.

Today, we’re going to walk you through some of our favorite emotional wellness tips. You’ll find that by following these, you’re making strides towards improving your overall health. First, we’ll run through a definition for emotional wellness, and then we’ll give you six tips that you can use to improve your emotional wellbeing. Finally, we will share some insight on how emotional wellbeing connects to your overall health. 

The first thing we want you to do is give yourself a pat on your back. Making the decision to take steps towards improving your emotional wellness and overall health can be intimidating, and you should be proud of yourself for trying! 

We also want to add that while we’re here to support you, if you find yourself depressed, anxious, or struggling with your mental health, you should definitely seek the support of a trained professional such as a therapist or counselor. Sometimes having someone to talk to can really make all the difference. 

What is Emotional Wellness?

The way that you feel on a daily basis can make a tremendous impact on how you are able to carry out daily activities, responsibilities, relationships, and even your overall mental and physical health. 

Your emotional wellness refers to the ability that you can successfully challenge life’s struggles and stresses. It also refers to how well you are able to adapt to change and difficult situations. 

Emotional wellness can also accurately be referred to as an awareness, acceptance, and understanding of your feelings. In addition to this, we’d like to add that remaining in the present moment is crucial to maintaining your emotional health--a practice like yoga or meditation would be excellent for that

Your emotional wellness can alter and fluctuate over time, so don’t be too hard on yourself if you notice that you’re going through a difficult period. There are, however, ways to go about giving your emotional wellness a boost. By following these tips, you can find that you experience a higher level of emotional wellbeing and therefore, your overall health could potentially increase.

What Are Six Ways You Can Improve Your Emotional Wellness?

There are a multitude of ways that you can go about improving your emotional wellness (and thus, your overall health), but today we’re going to hone in on six of them that we feel will make a tremendous difference.

The most important thing to remember about these tips is that developing emotional wellness takes time. Give yourself the patience that you deserve to work through your feelings, accept them, and then gain a greater understanding about your emotional wellbeing and beyond. 

#1: Be Sure That You’re Getting Enough Quality Sleep

We get it: there are a million things to do in a day, and oftentimes, the only way to get everything done is to sacrifice sleep. But did you know that sleep impacts both your mental and physical health? It’s true; sleep is crucial to maintaining your well being.

When you are exhausted, you will notice that you’re unable to bring your all to any activity you attempt to complete. Not only does getting enough quality sleep help you to think more clearly, you’ll also have quicker reflexes and even see an improvement in your focus. Therefore, clocking in some quality zzz’s is one of the best ways to ensure you’re taking care of your emotional wellbeing--and your physical wellbeing, too. 

There are a few ways that you can take steps to get higher-quality sleep. Our first suggestion is that you help your circadian rhythm out and go to bed at around the same time every night. It also helps to wake up at the same time every morning.

The next way to get better sleep is to sleep in a quiet, dark, comfortable place. Exercising daily--preferably not right before it’s time for bed--can also help. You should also put your phone away before bed; using it can interfere with your sleep. And besides, there are other ways to relax before bedtime: a warm bath or a good book are ideal. 

If you have ongoing sleep problems, it’s probably time to get a professional’s opinion. That’s why we suggest you reach out to a trusted, trained doctor if you find getting those zzz’s is difficult for you. 

#2: Take Time To Brighten Your Outlook

There’s something emotionally well people have in common, experts say. These people have fewer negative emotions and are also able to recover or “bounce back” from difficulties more rapidly. In addition, emotionally well people are able to hold onto their happy, positive emotions for a longer period of time than their negative ones. 

You can develop a positive, bright outlook by recalling your good deeds and giving yourself credit where credit is due when you do something kind. In addition, you can forgive yourself--humans make mistakes, and you’re only human. Learn from what happened but don’t dwell. 

Spending time with positive, happy people is another way to brighten your outlook. You can also spend some time exploring your thoughts about the purpose and meaning of life. Developing healthy physical habits is also crucial--remember: taking care of your mind is closely intertwined with taking care of your body. 

#3: Reducing Your Stress Levels

Life can get stressful, and it’s only natural to be overwhelmed sometimes. Stress can give you a rush of energy, but when it’s long-lasting (“chronic stress, '' as they call it), it can become very harmful. You can learn healthier ways to cope with stress and therefore, boost your resilience. 

Once again, sleep is key. So is exercise. Even 30 minutes a day can boost your mood, not to mention reduce some of your stress. In times of difficulty, you can also lean on your social support network--also known as your friends. 

In addition, you can choose to set priorities about what needs to get done and what can be pushed off to a different day. Finally, you can think positively to help with stress. You’ve accomplished a lot at the end of each day--consider that, not what you’re yet to do. 

Lastly, as we mentioned earlier, if you feel like you are unable to cope with stress, using drugs or alcohol as a coping mechanism, or experiencing suicidal or self-harming thoughts, seek the attention of a mental health professional ASAP. 

#4: Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a simple concept, but it can make a tremendous impact on your everyday life. The practice is ancient, and it’s about being aware of what’s happening in the moment instead of focusing on your thoughts. In other words, when you’re being mindful, you’re fully attending to the moment--instead of being on autopilot. This will take practice and commitment, so don’t worry if it takes a while. 

The first thing to do is take deep breaths. You can breathe in through the nose to a count of four, and then hold for a second. Finally, exhale through your mouth to a count of five. You can repeat this as necessary. A stroll is another way to become more mindful. You can also find resources for mindfulness in your local area, including meditation or yoga classes--you can also do these independently.

#5: Strengthen Your Social Connections

Getting social is a great way to put a smile on your face. In fact, they could even help protect your health and lengthen your life. Scientists have found that our links and connections to other people have powerful effects on health--emotionally and physically, too. 

If you have children, build a strong relationship with them--one where they feel supported and heard. You can also get active, such as joining a fitness class with family and friends. 

Another way to strengthen social connections is to join a class and learn something new. You can also volunteer in your community — you’ll meet like-minded people, and you’ll be doing something kind. 

#6: Coping With Loss

Loss is part of life. If you’re experiencing the loss of a loved one, a pet, or even grieving something else, you can lean on your family and friends. There are plenty of ways to cope with loss, and getting familiar with them can be helpful.

If you’re coping with loss, you should take care of yourself. Attempt to eat correctly, exercise, and get sleep. Bad habits can put your health at risk, so avoid these. You can also join a support group and talk to caring friends who value you and your wellbeing. 

You should also take time to make major changes, and talk to your doctor if you find yourself struggling to complete everyday activities. Consider additional support, such as a therapist, if you find you could use some additional help. Finally, be patient--it takes time to grieve.  

In Conclusion: How Does Emotional Wellness Connect to Overall Health?

Emotional health and overall well-being are intimately connected. That’s why it’s so important to nourish both — you will reap two times the benefits! When you are able to show up for yourself emotionally, the physical health portion falls into place, too! 



Emotional Wellness Toolkit | National Institutes of Health  

9 Tips to Maintain Emotional Wellness in Times of Uncertainty | McClean Care 

Coping with Grief and Loss | Help Guide 

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