How Morning Meditation Starts Off Your Day Right

There are few wellness practices as beloved and widespread as meditation. Not only is meditation shockingly easy, you can also do it nearly anywhere and without any fancy equipment. Those are just a few of the reasons why this accessible, fun activity is a fan-favorite.

Perhaps you’re interested in wellness because you’ve heard about the myriad of health benefits it can offer you, or maybe you think it would be a relaxing practice to pick up. Whatever your unique reason for beginning meditation, you’ll quickly find that meditation is an excellent way to calm your body and mind.

Meditation is a highly personal experience, so you can customize your meditation practice to work with your own lifestyle and needs. That means you can practice it any time of day that you feel you’d like to. If you’re interested in the many benefits of meditating in the morning, we’re here to help you get started. 

Today, we’ll run through a quick definition of meditation, discuss how to meditate and the health benefits of the practice, and finally, how choosing to do this in the morning can start your day off right. One you get started, you’re never going to want to stop!

What is Meditation?

First, let’s quickly define meditation. Meditation is an activity that you can do to center yourself and clear your mind. There are plenty of different ways to meditate, which means that if one doesn’t resonate with your spirit, there’s no need to fear--another will. 

Meditation wasn’t created to help you become a different, or better, person. Instead, meditation is all about training yourself to be aware and therefore, gaining a healthy sense of perspective. Everyday life moves quickly; meditation asks us to slow down and smell all of the flowers around us. 

When you meditate, you’re not attempting to shut off your thoughts or feelings. You’re just trying to observe these without judgement or attachment. Eventually you might begin to gain a greater sense of understanding, but that’s not really the goal. Meditation is a popular activity because it’s relatively simple and it can make a tremendous impact on your mental state. And that’s just one of the reasons why it’s a mainstay of wellness activities.

How Do I Meditate?

If you have any desire to meditate, we encourage you to give this transformative practice a try. You might find that you enjoy it, and that it’s an excellent fit for your lifestyle. You might also find that you’d prefer a different type of meditation--and that’s okay, too! There are several different types of meditation, so if you don’t enjoy the first one, try a new one instead.

When we discuss meditation, we’re typically referring to the most basic version of it. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t have its challenges! Meditating isn’t easy the first time you do it, but it will get easier. Like any other practice, you’ll find that the more you do it, the longer you can meditate for.

The most important thing to know about your meditation journey is to refrain from judgement. If you’re judging yourself while meditating for either being “not good enough” or otherwise, you’re not fully leaning into the beauty of the practice. With meditation, the journey IS the destination. We encourage you to recognize this and seek progress instead of perfection. That being said, let’s dive into learning how to do it

First, you’ll need to choose your meditation spot. Find a place that feels comfortable, peaceful, and quiet. Once you’ve done that, you can take a seat. You can sit on the floor or in a chair, just be mindful to select a spot that you feel you can sit for a while. 

Next, set a time limit. If you’re just starting out, don’t overwhelm yourself by forcing yourself to meditate for an hour. Begin with five or ten minutes, and gradually, you can begin to extend your meditation time. Remember: meditation is supposed to be peaceful, not stressful! Some people also choose to set an intention for their practice, but this is by no means required. 

Once you’ve done that, begin to notice your body. Feel and observe the sensation of your breath as it enters and exits your body. Your mind will wander--that’s part of being human. If it does, simply notice that it has and return your attention to breathing. Never punish yourself for getting off track, simply observe your thoughts without attachment and let them go. 

Finally, when you’re ready to stop meditating, gently open your eyes if they’re shut and lift your gaze. You’ve officially meditated. Notice your environment and how your body feels right now. What thoughts and emotions are coming up? Notice them but choose to let them go. 

Are There Any Health Benefits of Meditating?

One of the main reasons that people meditate is because of the wide array of health benefits. Meditation can truly transform so many facets of your life, and oftentimes without you even realizing it. Everyone who meditates has their own unique reason for doing so, so we encourage you to find your “why,” too. This will, of course, come with time, so keep meditating and know that it will find you! 

When you meditate, you’re doing something good for the body and soul. It’s not a cure-all, but it can definitely create a space for you to do something good for yourself. This can make a huge difference in our everyday life. In addition, you might find that meditating makes you a more patient and kind person--especially towards yourself.

Currently, there is some evidence that meditation can be helpful for reducing blood pressure. Therefore, if you struggle with this, attempting to meditate could be worth a try. Like we said, it’s not a cure-all, but it’s a great place to start.

In addition to this, people who are experiencing pain--physically or emotionally--can reap tremendous benefits from practicing meditation. It can help them understand their pain and even take steps to letting it go.

You’ve probably heard meditation touted as a potential way to tackle lowering stress, and we firmly believe that this is true. Meditation takes you out of your head and into your body. As a result, you’re not overthinking; you’re living and breathing in the moment. 

When we meditate, we’re able to improve our focus and even connect with each other better. Because meditation helps strengthen our focus as we sit still for an extended period of time, you might find that after meditating, you’re able to hone in on what you’re doing easier than you did prior. You might even find that meditation allows you to reduce the amount of brain chatter you experience. 

How can Morning Meditation Start My Day Off Right?

Meditation can certainly help you get your day started on the right foot. If you’re looking to cultivate a mindful morning routine that allows you to get into the right headspace for the day, meditation might be just the practice you’re looking for. There are TK reasons why morning meditation can help set your day off right. 

First, a morning meditation routine allows you to begin your day mindfully. Instead of glancing at emails or catching up on text messages, starting your day with meditation allows you to find peace in your morning routine. We stare at our phones and computers for so many hours a day, put the screen down and get in tune with your body and soul

Second, mindfulness can also make you more aware for the day ahead. Because meditation is a powerful way to boost how observant you are, you will likely find yourself more present after you meditate. This can make an impact on how you experience a day. 

Third, you can help yourself ward off anxiety and stress by meditating in the morning. There have been plenty of studies that suggest that meditation can be a helpful tool for reducing anxiety or stress. Try it out by meditating first thing in the morning. You might find that the day ahead is more peaceful. 

Fourth, you can boost your wellbeing. Mindfulness allows us to be more emotionally balanced people, which leads to an enhanced state of wellbeing. By meditating in the morning, you might find that you’re overall more present, positive, and able to show up for the people and experiences in your life with a clear, calm mind. 


There are plenty of things that you can do to enhance your wellbeing. Of course, it’s essential to take care of your physical body--such as by taking vitamin supplements and getting regular exercise--but it’s just as important to nourish yourself emotionally and spiritually. That’s where meditation comes in. Give it a try and see how it can potentially change your life. You’ll find that meditation might just become the most significant part of your morning routine--or even your entire day. 



What is Meditation | Headspace

How to Meditate | Mindful 

8 Things to Know About Meditation for Health | NIH 

Start with Stillness: 5 Reasons to Start a Morning Meditation Practice | One Medical 

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